Its been a pretty crazy month with the final wedding prep and all the craziness of the weeks around the wedding. Everything came off to plan which was pretty amazing. For those of you who were there and are looking for pictures, here is the link for the pics from the photographer. Our photographer, Shelley Coar, was awesome. We would highly recommend her for both her skills as a photographer and for being great to work with.
Our DJ did a great job and was stoked on the record case. He sent me some action shots of it.
We just picked up a new camera. After looking at the Olympus tough cameras we decided that we really didn't need a waterproof camera and would rather get something that would take amazing pictures. I have been thinking about going the micro four-thirds route for awhile and that is what we ended up with. After spending too many hours reading camera reviews we settled on the Olypmus far I am really impressed, particularly considering all of these shots are with the basic kit lens.
Frank enjoying the nice weather. |
Great light in the morning with some light rain. |
Wicket is awfully proud of herself. |
Out taking pictures at lunch trying to learn how to use the new camera. |
Testing out the fill flash. |
I am impressed with how sharp the pictures are from this camera. |
Great color the other morning. |
Enjoying some with from Lake Co CA. |
A present from my parents mounted on a pieces of mahogany, finally figured out a decent color match for the kitchen cabinets.
Here is a sneak preview of the next project in the works. I have been making the best of Natalie being out a town to get into the shop and start working on the TV stand above.
That's all for tonight. |
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