Now that the wall is about done its time to move on the next phase of the project. The next big task is the hardwood flooring upstairs. Since we have to move in a little over a week from now, my main focus will be get the bedroom done. This also happens the be the more difficult room as the subfloor is...interesting, and there are several little walls that I have to work around, basically there will be alot of cutting. On the plus side I should be able to use up alot of the short boards.

As you can see in this picture the current sub-floor isn't very flat. There is 1inch rough sawn pine boards on top of the floor joists..which rough sawn 2x6s. On top of all that is tongue and groove flooring, probably some sort of pine. Luckily this gives me quite a lot of material to work with get things flat. I rented an 8inch drum flooring sander yesterday that ought to make this process alot easier. Once floor is flat enough we are going to paint this room and then its time to start laying floor..I can't wait.

Last night I also started to prep the stairs for their hardwood treatment. All of the remaining staples and tacks from the carpet had to come up and the bull-nose had to be cut off. The Oak stair nose pieces are on order with Lowe's so I can't start laying wood on these until those come in. We also got the Oak plywood panels stained and sealed. Those will be cut up to be used for the risers on the stairs.
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