Monday, May 21, 2012

Something fun..

This last weekend I got out for a ride I have been wanting to do for awhile.  The garden is pretty good to go and the weather was nice.

I rode from the house up to Guanella pass.  It was a beautiful day. Still some snow up snow from Saturday too.

Looking south toward Bierdstad (sp?).  One of the local 14ers.  Another one, Mt Evans is on the list for a ride later this summer.
Here is a link to the route info if anyone is interested, highly recommend the ride.  They paved the road from Georgetown last summer so the pavement is silky smooth. 
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Some inside pictures.

Finally got some pictures of the trim on the stairs.  Decided that the full baseboard would be a bit too busy do we went with matching oak 1/4 round.

Finishing the ends of the baseboard was a bit tricky but worked out.  We tried some larger 1/4 round first but decided to go with the smaller base shoe.  Obviously some finish to clean up...

The rest of the starts for the garden waiting for a bit warmer nightime temps.  Some heirloom veriety tomatoes and peppers that will hopefully produce something other than half ripe fruit by first frost.

Another interesting little trim challenge. 

The white baseboard really accentuates the oak flooring.

It was amazing how much better the doors looked once we painted them and took off the plastic.

Inside the french doors.

Still need to paint the rest of the doors in the bedroom and put another coat on the door trim...and apparently do some laundry.
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Playing catch-up...

Who needs a truck?  Succesful trip to Home Depot for raised garden bed supplies. All the cedar lumber helped to cancel out the smell of the bagged steer manure.

Prototype raised bed complete and the rest layed out.

Wicket inspecting the new garden bed in the center of her yard.

Revised garden bed near the porch, we tore out the large timbers and increased the size of the bed.  It flows better with the rest of the yard now that it isn't square. 

Wicket inspecting my work on the small, deep bed for potatoes. 

Building the rest of the raised beds and getting the drip irrigation installed. 

This is the style of flagstone that we are planning on laying for all of the pathways.  We like the idea of red flagstone seperated by walkable ground cover plants like thyme.

The porch garden bed with flowers planted.  Teepees are to keep wicket from trampling all of the flowers.

Berry bushes up against the retaining wall. Blueberry, raseberry and blackberry.

All of the flowers in the Aspen bed.  Similar mix to the bed by the porch, anchored by some lavender with foxglove and columbine for color.

Shaded garden beds for leafy greens and the mini bed for the Clematis vine.  Hopefully it will eventually grow up onto the wire above the fence.

So far this bed has onions, cauliflower and some beans.  Tomatoes will take up the remaining squares.  This is one of the beds where I am experimenting with the squarefoot gardening technigue.  Interesting book and technique, kinda like gardening for engineers.

This bed has Broccoli and Brussel sprouts in it.  Once they are harvested they will be replaced with more summer crops.

Another view of the beds.  The empty bed will have more tomatoes as well as perppers and eggplant.

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